Each massage with Elke has opened up an often surprising reconnection to healing movement within both my physical and energetic bodies. Her touch is deep, sensitive and intuitive. She is heart-centered and masterful. I have come to understand how she can melt an elephant.” —Chayim Barton, PHD

She cares deeply about all animals and has voluntarily used massage to comfort a wide variety of species. She has a good animal sense, knows when to push further and when to back off. With Elke’s magic hands, the elephants completely relax, their trunks hang loose and their eyes close. Her touch appears to bring them great pleasure and peace. When our elephant Donna was deathly ill and under-going serious medical treatment, Elke spent many hours with her, giving her great comfort and rest. Elke’s work may well have helped Donna survive. Elke’s TTouch also very relaxing and calming for our elephant. Lisa as we prepared her for birth.” —Colleen Kinzley, Curator at the Oakland Zoo

Elke Riesterer has been using TTouch on the arthritic legs of our 16-year old Scottish Highland Cow, “Grace”. Since Elke’s work began, I have noticed a calmness in Grace, which allows more people to brush and interact with her safely. It is clear that Grace enjoys her time with Elke.” —Alan Foster, Primary Keeper Children’s Zoo at the Oakland Zoo

“Her soothing massages over 14 years have allowed me to continue my work. She is a consummate, skilled professional.” —Katie Griffin, D.C.

“Elke’s hands are magical. Her touch is assertive and tender at the same time. My body trusts her quiet authority. And I soften and heal more deeply everytime.” —Karin Reibel, LMFT, Berkeley, Ca.